-al; -ial, -eal

(Latin: suffix; pertaining to, like, of the kind of, relating to, characterized by, belonging to; action of, process of)

admedial, admedian (adjective) (not comparable)
In anatomy, toward or near the median plane: Greg read that the belly button of a person was located at the admedial position of an individual, this meant that the vertical symmetrical plane extended from the top of the head, through the navel, separating the right half from the left half of the body.l
admortal (adjective) (not comparable)
Concerning something that moves toward damaged tissue: Dr. Thompson applied an admortal electric current in order to remove the injured and infected skin from Jim's leg.
adnerval (adjective) (not comparable)
1. Describing a medical process directed towards a nerve: The adnerval operation involved an electric current which went from a nerve to a muscle, and then passed through it.
2. Referring to something located near a nerve: The ganglion on Jane's hand evidently was quite adnerval because it was very painful for her so she had it surgically removed.
adnexa (pl) (noun)
Subordinate or accessory appendages of an organ: Adnexa can refer to the adnexa of the uterus, adnexa of the eye, or to the adnexa of the skin.
adominoperineal (s) (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to the abdomen down to the perineum: Adominoperineal surgery had to be performed to save Jim's life because he had cancer in the lower section of his back passage which ended with a permanent colostomy.
adrenal (adjective), more adrenal, most adrenal
Pertaining to the area near or upon the kidney: A hormone that is secreted by the suprarenal or adrenal gland can raise a person's blood pressure.
adventitia (s) (noun) (no pl)
A membrane that covers an organ but is not part of that organ: Adventitia is primarily made up of connective tissue.

The layer known as adventitia is a pliable sheet of tissue that overlays, lines, or connects the organs or cells of animals or plants.

adverbial (adverb), more adverbial, most adverbial
Pertaining to how a word modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb: The adverbial term in this sentence is "very": This is a very beautiful dress." The adverb "very" intensifies the adjective "beautiful".

An adverb that modifies a verb answers any of four questions: "Where?", "When?", "In what manner?", and "To what extent?"

An adverb that modifies an adjective or another adverb, answers "To what extent?" When an adverb functions in this second manner, it is often called an "intensifier" because it increases or decreases the intensity of the adjective or the adverb it modifies.

aerial (adjective), more aerial, most aerial
1. A reference to something that involves aircraft: The invading country made uncountable aerial attacks on buildings and on the civilians.
2. Relating to something that lives, happens, or moves in the air: From their spot on the shore, Jill and Mark watched the seagulls swirling around like in an aerial presentation for the tourists!.
3. Consisting of, typical of, or relating to the air: Jane was interested in taking some aerial photos and videos of her town for her next oral assignment in her class at school.
4. Regarding the part of a plant thriving above ground: Mr. Thompson showed his students some plants that had aerial roots which were not growing in the ground, but in the air above the soil.
affixial (adjective), more affixial, most affixial
Pertaining to a word element; such, as a "prefix" or a "suffix", that is connected to a base, stem, or root of a word:

Susan added the affixial "im", or prefix, to the term "perfect" in order to have the expression "imperfect" which became completely opposite of the original meaning.

agral (adjective), more agral, most agral
Of or pertaining to fields: The aural products of the region sold at the local store include beets, potatoes, and corn.
agrimensorial (adjective) (not comparable)
Pertaining to land surveying: Jim's father was concerned with land management and agrimensorial practices in the subdivision of land.
alluvial (adjective), more alluvial, most alluvial
1. Relating to or consisting of any material that has been carried or deposited by running water: The result of the soil being washed away by water may result in an alluvial valley or an alluvial deposit, all of which consist of earth and sand that has been left by rivers, floods, etc.

The most alluvial deposits that have ever been recorded in Fred's community took place recently during the severe flooding.

2. Etymology: borrowed from Medieval Latin alluvium, alluvius, "washed against", from Latin alluere, "to wash against"; from al-, a form of ad- before l, "to, against", + -luere, a combining form of lavere, "to wash".
alluvial ore (s) (noun), alluvials ores (pl)
Various kinds of valuable mineral particles that have been transported and deposited by a river or a stream: Don, the old prospector, mined the alluvial ore along the river, hoping to find gold.
alluvial slope (s) (noun), alluvial slopes (pl)
The soil, clay, silt, or gravel that is left by a flowing water surface which goes down and away from a mountainside and merges with a plain or wide valley floor: Alluvial slopes are made up of the surface soil from hills or mountains that have been "washed" by rain during which time the slanting hills deposit bushes and other vegetable matter, plus sand, dirt, and mud slides, all of which are carried down and left in areas of flat land, such as valleys.